
Directed at Tag der Hydrologie 2024 in Berlin

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On March 19-21, 2024, The Day of Hydrology 2024 – Tag der Hydrologie 2024 took place in Berlin at the Freie Universität Berlin hosted by the Freie-, the Humboldt and the Technical University of Berlin in cooperation with the German Hydrological Society and the DWA – The network of experts for Water, Waste Water and Waste. The conference was focused on the topic hydrology in the Anthropocene considering the many links and interdependences between hydrology and human intervention, ecology, urbanity and technology.

Within that theme DIRECTED presented three posters at the conference under the theme, hydrology and people. Firstly, “The role of surface drainage efficiency in urban pluvial flood hazard and risk management: a case study in the city of Braunschweig“ was presented by Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash from the GFZ Potsdam in which the model RIM2D ( https://directedproject.eu/product-solutions/ ) was utilized and secondly, „Evaluating 2D shallow water solvers for early warning on the 2021 Ahr Valley floods“. RIM2D is a 2D hydraulic inundation model specifically designed for fluvial and pluvial flood simulations and is partly developed through the DIRECTED Project.

Posters presented by Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomosh

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Poster presented by DiRECTED @ Tag Hydologie 2024
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Poster presented by DIRECTED at Tag Hydrologie 2024

Thirdly „Interoperability in context of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation -Innovations from the DIRECTED project“ was presented by Max Steinhausen. In this poster, information on the goals of DIRECTED, its challenges towards governance, information and data and model interoperability and its innovations on how to solve these challenges could be found.

Poster presented by Max Steinhausen

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The innovations being developed include the Risk Tandem, the Data Fabric and the setup of Real-World Labs (https://directedproject.eu/about/ ), the latter are the test beds to improve the innovations developed in DIRECTED.

For more information contact: Max Steinhausen: max.steinhausen@tu-braunschweig.de


Tag der Hydrologie 2024 • Fachbereich Geowissenschaften (fu-berlin.de). Letzter Aufruf: 22.03.24.

Aktuelles – DWA – Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.. Letzter Aufruf: 22.03.24.

Conference | Tag der Hydrologie 2024 • Freie Universität Berlin (fu-berlin.de). Zuletzt aufgerufen: 22.03.24.