DamageCost Model
The DTU model (https://github.com/Skadesokonomi) has a high geographical resolution of land use and estimates flood damage costs for several sectors, including residential and industrial buildings, transport, health, recreational values, and tourism. The damage data is based on statistics of past insurance pay-outs for flooding events and on Danish monetary valuation studies of assets and sectors.

DamageCost Model
The DTU model (https://github.com/Skadesokonomi) has a high geographical resolution of land use and estimates flood damage costs for several sectors, including residential and industrial buildings, transport, health, recreational values, and tourism. The damage data is based on statistics of past insurance pay-outs for flooding events and on Danish monetary valuation studies of assets and sectors.

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The SaferPlaces Global Platform is a revolutionary EO/Cloud-based and Digital Twin Platform able to support multiple users in assessing flood risk for cities worldwide and making flood smart data-driven decisions. Open Data (Geospatial, Satellite, Climate Data) and AI-based models are combined in a cloud-computing environment, to provide incredible insights in terms of flood risk intelligence.

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Learn more
The SaferPlaces Global Platform is a revolutionary EO/Cloud-based and Digital Twin Platform able to support multiple users in assessing flood risk for cities worldwide and making flood smart data-driven decisions. Open Data (Geospatial, Satellite, Climate Data) and AI-based models are combined in a cloud-computing environment, to provide incredible insights in terms of flood risk intelligence.

CLIMADA - CLImate ADAptation
Using state-of-the-art probabilistic modelling, CLIMADA allows to
estimate the expected socio-economic and ecological impact as a
measure of risk today, the incremental increase from socio-economic
growth and ecological evolution and the further incremental increase due
to climate change. The model is well suited to provide an open and
independent view on physical risk.

CLIMADA - CLImate ADAptation
Using state-of-the-art probabilistic modelling, CLIMADA allows to
estimate the expected socio-economic and ecological impact as a
measure of risk today, the incremental increase from socio-economic
growth and ecological evolution and the further incremental increase due
to climate change. The model is well suited to provide an open and
independent view on physical risk.

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Connectivity Hub
The Connectivity Hub aims to help the climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) communities work together. SEI and partners are now taking steps to enhance this high-tech search-and-discovery tool so that it can better help people in these two related fields find potential synergies and communicate more effectively with one another. The Hub was developed by PLACARD.

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Connectivity Hub
The Connectivity Hub aims to help the climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) communities work together. SEI and partners are now taking steps to enhance this high-tech search-and-discovery tool so that it can better help people in these two related fields find potential synergies and communicate more effectively with one another. The Hub was developed by PLACARD.

SVI - Social Vulnerability Index
The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) tool compiles census data for
indicators such as housing quality, unemployment rate, and average
education levels (amongst others) to analyze the vulnerability of a given
community to climate change. The tool also provides an index or score of
socio-economic vulnerability for each census-defined small area within a
region of interest.

SVI - Social Vulnerability Index
The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) tool compiles census data for
indicators such as housing quality, unemployment rate, and average
education levels (amongst others) to analyze the vulnerability of a given
community to climate change. The tool also provides an index or score of
socio-economic vulnerability for each census-defined small area within a
region of interest.

HOWIS - Flood information and warning system Erft
The HOWIS Erft is a flood information and warning system that provides
information on actual and forecasted precipitation and runoff within the
Erft catchment area. It is primarily intended to support the internal flood
operation management of the Erftverband and is also available for other
authorities as a voluntary service.

HOWIS - Flood information and warning system Erft
The HOWIS Erft is a flood information and warning system that provides
information on actual and forecasted precipitation and runoff within the
Erft catchment area. It is primarily intended to support the internal flood
operation management of the Erftverband and is also available for other
authorities as a voluntary service.
Get in contact to integrate your own tools, models and data-sets into the DIRECTED Data Fabric!